Sunday, September 19, 2010

The last place

Where will you go when you cant see where you are heading? what will you do when the sanctity of your last hope is corrupted by darkness......constantly ignoring the beacon within you showing the right way, how long are you going to stagger before your knees collapse? How long will you take crap just because you are too lazy to do something about it?
What are you so ashamed of? Is it selfishness that prevents one from revealing the truth or is the truth too embarrassing? you will be made fun of till you continue to keep others in darkness...but when accidently revealed there will be humiliation. Will you be laughed at for the very nature of the truth or perhaps it will be because of all the lies you have been spouting just to cover up the truth(which seems so trivial right now). But more importantly will you even care enough to feel the humiliation?