Tuesday, November 2, 2010


All that was needed was a trigger to set the bullet in motion,
the burst of entropy far more potent than the strongest of the nuclear warheads,
strong enough to manifest itself on reality,
blurring the face of the maniac with his grasp around the cold steel trigger,
dreams so complex, they start to make sense and seem almost a bore.

A pledge to never go back,
lock away everything that needs to be forgotten,
not in a door-less room, but a miniature glass ball,
seemingly too small but withholding more than i could dream up in a lifetime,
the alarming attention to detail,
the smoothness, the impeccable shape and the immaculate gloss and colour,
it seduces you to grasp it in your palms, but its touch impalpable,
once inside, only the essence can seep out,but never the thought itself.
It reflects everything and yet its dark,
could be shattered but not without dire consequences...

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