Friday, July 30, 2010

The human mind has always fascinated me

The drab sound transports me instantly the the far reaches of the universe, the contrast between the places illustrated by the augmentation of the glimmer in the eyes. I see no surreal architecture, no glow from the stars, only vast plane grasslands under the crystal blue sky, the lucid white clouds only accentuating the chaste blueness of the skies.
Soaring high above the water to find my own restrictions blocking my freedom, and the sun begins to scorch. The drop serving to cool only the outermost layers, but its only when the tip of my toes touch the water, the goosebumps become apparent all over my forearms. Mind so easily miscible with the cold water, it diffuses into the sea through my ears, tiny hair tingling my insides as it flows out.
Waves pass through as if they fail to acknowledge my existence, yet i find myself immersed in the immense joy of the rocking motion from the cool cradle, constantly floating towards an unknown destination.

The rude awakening from the stab in the back aggravated by the humiliation of the wound. At times like these i wish i didnt have friends, but then who would conceal me during my endless slumbers?

The piercing light giving a false sense of clarity when shrouded by darkness, the dirt so long left uncleaned that absence of it brought about a sense of uneasiness, has it been hiding the blemishes all along or was it a shortfall in my abilities which enabled it to elude my eyes for months?

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