Sunday, July 25, 2010

iam on fire

you fucking bitch!! you took all that you wanted from me and this is what i get in return?? i wasted away my time staring at the wall looking at the void space within myself thinking it was never there. I'll never again receive your calls, DIE BITCH go fuck yourself. Didnt you feel slightest bit of pity for me, you are like me in more ways than one, you are more like me than i myself am and yet you are contemptible.
every problem is an opportunity in disguise, i see the opportunity and i made use of it, yet iam not thankful to you, iam one step closer to my goal than i was an hour ago and its alll because of you. i might never have thought of it if i had gotten what i wanted and yet all i feel is contempt.
Now that you have given it to me, i dont hate you anymore and everything i thought in the meantime turned out to be useless crap and i wasted so much of my time, all those minutes i spent cursing you...wasted....but will i ever know what iam doing is worth the time? or will the realization dawn only when its already too late.
Whats the use of that bloody hammer hitting my head when iam already bleeding profusely, weeping, when my tears emit that sweet scent of mud that takes me to another high but iam too depressed to enjoy what i have created, its already too late for that, i had my chance and i missed it........

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