Sunday, July 25, 2010

first step

i woke up to a slight lack-of-sleep-induced-headache today and the banging on the door didnt help things.
sleep deprivation does strange things to your brain, it introduces a kind of static that one sees on TVs into your head and its intensity is directly proportional to the number hours you spent last night doing anything but sleep. The static's there in every thought that passes through your head and you get the feeling of a hangover, now that i think about it, there is no demarcation line between this and a hangover, to an observer it looks the same and you yourself feel like shit.

Another day, another casualty....sounds like the lyrics of some song
as i write this, my aunt gets the dreaded call-dreaded by me, more bad news....why cant they just let me be, mind his own fucking damn business. As the conversation proceeds my heart starts racing, nothing good can come from that tone of voice and yes there goes my last hope of peaceful days......

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