Thursday, October 14, 2010

morphing appearance

cold winds sting my cheeks,
the night draws closer as the last drop of sweat struggles to de-materialize,
the sun dipping lower with every passing second into the interminable horizon,
veiled by the dull clouds which ornate its ironically dreary existence,
there are no anticipative fumes, no dampness or entropy,
the calm skies invite you closer to the unfathomable sea below,
the diffusive orange glow, almost dark, skim the surface,
the remnants of sun almost palpable,
if only i could grasp it in my hands,
i wouldn't part with it till i expelled my soul,
i would love you more than my life,
only if you weren't a figment of my imagination,
please give me a reason to believe so,
i beg you....please

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